About Us

From Founder Chairman's Pen

Dear Members
Government Medical College, Nagpur has been a pioneer institute where Cytology flourished under the leadership of Dr. Shobha Grover, Dr. Mukta Kherdekar, Dr. Asha V Kher, Dr. Maitreyee Munshi and others. And Maharashtra has been one of the very few states where Cytology grew exponentially with initiatives from stalwarts like Dr. Roshan Chinoy, Dr. Krishnamurthy, Dr. Shubhada Kane and others.


President's message


Dear All,
The value and relevance of cytology (exfoliative and fine needle aspiration biopsy) as a significant diagnostic modality cannot be overemphasized, especially in a country like ours, given its several significant attributes such as a cost-effective, safe, reasonably accurate, and accessible technique. There is a substantial amount of evidence of its utility for diagnosis and triage across various body sites...


Secretary's Message


I feel privileged to be the founder secretary of Association of Cytologists of Maharashtra (ACM), affiliated state chapter of Indian Association of Cytologists. The inception of ACM is like a dream come true as it was long overdue. This forum has been created to promote and sustain interest in cytology within the pathologists’ fraternity of Maharashtra. With the help of various ancillary techniques, cytology has evolved over time from the simple study of cell morphology ...


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Early Bird Registration Till : 07/01/2021


About Us

From Founder Chairman's Pen

Dear Members
Government Medical College, Nagpur has been a pioneer institute where Cytology flourished under the leadership of Dr. Shobha Grover, Dr. Mukta Kherdekar, Dr. Asha V Kher, Dr. Maitreyee Munshi and others. And Maharashtra has been one of ....


Contact Info

   Dr. Vikas Kavishwar
   Dr. Bharat Rekhi

   Dr. Anupama Gupta
       (Website Coordinator)
  pama_gpta@rediffmail.com |
   Dr. Mona Agnihotri
     02224151187, 9987810111